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Read: Job 38:1-11

Job has experienced the pinnacle of suffering and hardship in his life. All of his children were killed in a storm, thieves stole all of his cattle, his wife told him to give up, and his friends were no help at all. Job finally asks God, “Why is this happening to me?” God answered Job, but not the way Job probably hoped for.

Instead of explaining his plan and purpose for the hardships, God goes back to the beginning. He asks a series of questions which all point to one answer: his ways are higher than ours. His knowledge is greater than ours. 

We can take our cares to God, and he may give us an answer. Or he may simply remind us of his character. He created everything and holds everything together, and he loves us so much he sent his son to die for our sake, so that we can have eternal life with God. That alone tells us we can trust him when we’re faced with tough decisions. If you haven’t yet trusted Jesus Christ as your savior, will you do that today?

Prayer: God, I trust you. You save me through the death of Jesus on the cross. You created me for a relationship with you, and everything I go through is for that purpose. Will you show me today how to live my life for you? Amen.
