2023 Year

End Impact

Year End


A Message
From Jason



Sinking Spring


We gather weekly as a community to talk to God through worship and prayer and to hear from God through scripture. This helps us form relationships and find encouragement so together we can fully follow Jesus.


Weekly attendance combined in-person and online

(5.4% increase from last year)


Average weekly in-person attendance


Average weekly Church Online attendance


People to Jesus

We are blown away by how many new faces we’ve met this year! You have done an amazing job inviting others to introduce even more people to Jesus. So far this year we’ve had 12,267 first-time guests! That’s 47% more than last year!

Find a Location



Kids and


When kids and students gather on a weekend they connect with friends and leaders and grow in their relationship with God.

Kids Students


Kids in kidVenture Island on a weekend

(23% increase from last year)


Middle schoolers in Collide each week

(21.7% increase from last year)


High schoolers in HSM each week

(10.6% increase from last year)

Student Camps



Students joined us at our camps and retreats this year!

The most we’ve ever had!

“Life before Jesus was very lonely and difficult. I struggled with self-image and self-control. This made it harder for me to process my anger, and I ended up getting in fights and losing my friends. In my Junior year, a friend invited me to LCBC. I wasn’t raised religious, so coming to church was scary for me. In my first experience during worship, I felt relief and my eyes flooded with tears. I started going to High School Ministry with my friends, which is where I heard about Fall Retreat. It was at Fall Retreat that I gave my life to Jesus. Since then, I no longer let anger control my life. I turn to the Bible first for guidance. I’ve learned to love and forgive. I’m trying to follow the path that Jesus has for me.”



Dickson City


Baptism is a public expression of faith in Christ. It’s a symbolic act that celebrates the life change Jesus has begun in a person’s heart. When we baptize people, we’re following Jesus’ great commission in Matthew 28:19.

Learn About Baptism


People were baptized

27 kids, 241 students, and 372 adults

David's Story

“I grew up in church but never really trusted in Jesus. I didn’t have a good circle of friends, and I didn’t care about having a relationship with God. I was angry and depressed all the time. I felt worthless, alone, and broken. This past May I broke down. Through tears, I told my mom and my little brother I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I felt like I couldn’t do anything right. After talking to Danny, the Student Ministry Director at LCBC Dickson City, I realized I needed to start living my life for Christ and truly walk with God. I have completely surrendered to God and have never felt more relieved. I have so much joy and contentment because I’ve decided to trust God with my life."


Clarks Summit

West Shore


We believe that serving not only brings us closer to God, but reminds us to love others like he does. We use the unique ways that God has gifted us to help create welcoming environments where God can change lives.

Start Serving


People are serving each week

Amy's Story

“This is my 27th year teaching at Governor Mifflin and my 17th year in the world of special education. For the last 3 years, I’ve felt like I couldn’t successfully teach because my students’ basic needs were not being met. My husband and I learned about G.O.L.D. at our initial Guest Experience training at LCBC Sinking Spring, and I knew this was what was my kids needed, too! Now my classroom aide and I greet our students with a smile, own our roles and dig in to the opportunities we have as teachers, set our classroom up to look the part of a welcoming, safe space, and deliver the wow by looking for ways to show students we see and care for them, like handing out a piece of candy or checking in when someone’s been absent. Our students have flourished since we implemented this!”

Sinking Spring




Life change happens when we connect in intentional relationships with others and grow alongside those who share our desire to be more like Jesus.

Learn About Groups Join a Group


Adults were a part of a group

Gregory's Story

“Last year I was invited to the Young Adult Group at LCBC and decided to visit even though I wasn’t sure about trying out church again. To my surprise, I was surrounded by peers who also were figuring out their faith in Jesus. To see people my age going through similar journeys made me feel less alone and helped me trust God myself. I decided to give my life to Jesus and have been doing my best to follow him.”


Willow Street


Local and

Global Impact

Getting out of our church and into our communities gives us the opportunity to develop relationships with others and show God’s love to the world by living out our faith.

Local Global


Given to local partners so far this year


Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes to kids around the world


New children sponsored in 2023

7,625 Total children sponsored

Kenya Story

Our work in Kalapata, Kenya is one of many examples of ways we come alongside our global partners in the expert work they are doing to help communities become self-sustaining. When we join with partner organizations like World Vision, we support life-changing efforts that help villages and their residents thrive.

Expand Our

Digital Reach

We want to show up for people even before they join us for church. By expanding our digital reach we can help people discover our church through search results, articles, podcasts, and more!


Listens & Views of the Live Changed Podcast

Listen or watch here


Article Page Views

Find our articles here


Bible Reading Plan Subscriptions on YouVersion

Find our bible reading plans here


Total Website Page Views

Visit our website here


People reached through Facebook & Instagram

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram


YouTube Impressions

Subscribe to our channels here

Neil's Story

“Before trusting Jesus, my life was very isolated from others. I prioritized material gains and making money over building healthy relationships with my family. It left me feeling empty with no real friends in my life. After being given a Bible, I got curious about faith. I went online and searched for ways to explore faith, and found out about Starting Point. Through the people I met and conversations I had there, I gave my life to Jesus. When I look back, I can’t imagine what my life would have looked like without trusting Jesus. I’m light-years different now.”


Willow Street

Sinking Spring


Our State

In order to reach new people in new communities with the love of Jesus, we launched two campuses this year!


Willow Street

LCBC Willow Street launched on October 1 in Penn Manor High School and have seen an average of 427 people each weekend!


Sinking Spring

LCBC Sinking Spring launched November 12 in Wilson West Middle School and have seen an average of 272 people each weekend!





When we fully follow Jesus and honor God with what he’s given to us, we are putting him first in our heart in an act of obedience, love, worship, and trust. By living generously and faithfully giving our resources, we can move our mission as a church forward together.

Give Now


Total amount given over the last year

As a church, we pursue accountability in our financial management and are certified by the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). ECFA Certification ensures we faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for board governance, financial accountability, and stewardship. Visit ECFA.church to learn more.

At LCBC we have a passion to invest in like-minded churches to help introduce people to Jesus across our state. This year we launched The Advantage – A Leadership Collaborative. The Advantage brings pastors throughout Pennsylvania together in authentic communities of peers where they will find encouragement, creative ideas, and shared learnings, all for the common goal of introducing more people to Jesus throughout the state. This year we’ve connected with 143 churches in PA and around the US.

Learn More

Thank You

It’s incredible to see all that God has done through our church in 2023! And as we take the time to look back, we’re reminded that behind each number is a person and a story of life change.

We can’t wait to see what God will continue to do in the year ahead. Thank you for showing up in big ways and being the Church in communities all over our state! It’s clear that your love is easy to see!