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Why We Give

When we fully follow Jesus & honor God with our finances, we are putting him first in our heart in an act of obedience, love, worship, and trust. God is the provider of everything that we have, which makes us the stewards or managers of what he’s given to us. While God does not need our money, he does make it clear in the Bible that he desires to be first in every area of our life including finances.

Where Does My Tithe Go?

When you give to LCBC, it goes towards creating opportunities and environments for people of all ages to gather together, connect with others, and serve our communities. It's in these different environments across all of our locations that people regularly experience life change. Check out Jannese and Alana's story which is one of many incredible stories of how God is working through LCBC. There is no greater investment you can make than reaching those who were once far from God that are now a life changed by Christ.

For More Information About Giving

Ways to Give


You can easily give or set up recurring gifts through our secure giving portal


Give through the LCBC App or by texting GIVE to 20022

Cash or Check

You can still always give during the gathering at any of our campuses

You can also give through gifts of stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, real estate, and other assets. Contact us to learn more. All gifts are tax deductible. LCBC Attn: Accounting, 2392 Mount Joy Road, Manheim, PA 17545

90-Day Tithing Challenge

Still Not Sure About Tithing?

Personal Finance

Looking for more ways to handle your money in a God-honoring way? Check out these Personal Finance resources from our Stewardship team!

Estate Planning Resources

Learn how to protect your assets in the future, discover tax advantages and save your loved ones’ time and money by establishing your Will or Living Trust now.

Giving Beyond the Tithe

If you’ve been tithing for a while, you’ve witnessed firsthand how God’s ability to change lives can be accomplished through what we give. But what if God’s nudging you to do more?

2 Corinthians 9:7 explains that when we consider giving above our first 10%, we are called to give cheerfully. We’re not limited to just 10%, but only you know what God may be asking of you. Talk to God, listen to what he’s saying, and decide in your heart how much to give.
