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At the Movies 2024
Various Speakers | July 7, 2024 - July 28, 2024
Where God Meets Us
Various Speakers | May 26, 2024 - June 29, 2024
Sponsorship Weekend
Jason Mitchell | May 19, 2024
Get Your Mind Right
Various Speakers | April 7, 2024 - May 12, 2024
Easter 2024
Jason Mitchell | March 31, 2024
That's a Loaded Question
Various Speakers | March 3, 2024 - March 24, 2024


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What are all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how do you know which ones you’ve been given?
Check out some of the wonderful things the Bible tells us about God’s character and his promises to us.
How do you navigate everyday challenges and major frustrations without becoming bitter?
The Bible has a lot to say about generosity – why it matters to God, and why we should strive for it in all areas of life.


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At The Movies Extended Cut
Take a seat and enjoy behind-the-scenes conversations with our teachers in At The Movies Extended Cut. In these talks, speakers discuss why they chose their film and give more insights into how these movies can help us do life well.
What is a Christian?
If you are interested in following Jesus or if you have been a follower of Christ for a while, you have probably noticed that there are people who say they follow Jesus but don’t act like it. Is that a Christian? Or is that just someone pretending to be a Christian? Is being a Christian made real by what we say or do? What is the difference? Join us for an 8-week series of studies that ask, “wh...
A Hard Road - Faithfulness in all areas of life from the book of Hosea
Hosea was a man of God who learned the hard way about faithfulness to your wife, your friends, your nation and your God - spend several weeks discovering what he learned about faithfulness.
Ever have a thought stuck in your head? Annoying, anxious thoughts play on repeat, keeping you up at night and stealing your peace. If the answer is yes, you're not alone. But good news, there’s hope - identifying and replacing these soundtracks can go a long way in supporting your mental health and changing your life.

Stories of Prayer in the Bible

Go on a 10-day journey through some of the most impactful prayers in the Bible. From Zacharias' plea for a child, to Jesus' model of the Lord's Prayer, each day shows us a prayer that a real historical figure prayed in the Bible. These prayers can inspire and strengthen your own prayer life as you learn to trust in God's timing, seek his wisdom, and rely on his ability to provide.  

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Discover A Bible Reading Plan

Join our quarterly Bible Reading Plans and to find more plans you can use to read the Bible each day.

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