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Move the mission of Jesus forward in our church!

Everyone has an active role to play in the work God is doing here at LCBC! God has given you gifts, strengths, experiences that are uniquely yours – gifts that can serve the church and serve others. Whatever you’re passionate about, there’s a way you can introduce people to Jesus and together fully follow him.

Get Started

Ready to check out serving? It’s easy to start serving!

Start the Conversation

Excited to leverage your gifts to impact others? We’d love to talk with you more. Even if you just want to test the waters, we'd love to share what it could look like to serve at LCBC, either in person or online.

Fill Out the Form

There's no commitment in reaching out. Simply share your contact info, let us know which area you're interested in serving, and tell us which location you normally attend.

Share Your Interests

Tell us about the things that get you excited! Feel free to leave any additional details in the comments of the form, including any specific interests or passions you have.

Get Started Today!

Serving is one of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow in your walk with Christ. Trust us, it’ll change your life!

Fill Out The Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about serving? Check out these FAQs or reach out to us directly below!

Contact Us

We have opportunities from directing traffic, to baking cookies, to being a Group leader—from data entry to holding doors. Fill out the form and let us know what you love to do!

Different roles have different time commitments. Some are once a week, some are once a month, and some you can even do from the comfort of your home. You can make a huge impact with even a small amount of time!

Yes! There are opportunities for the entire family to jump in and get involved. Fill out the form and we’ll help you get connected.

Whether it’s being a friendly face on our greeting team, making fresh coffee, leading a small group for any age (yes, even grown-ups!), praying with people who need hope, playing music on stage (or making it sound good from the back), or writing cards to people new to our church - there’s a place for you!
