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3 Ways to Live Generously as a Family

Teaching our children to live a life of generosity is an invaluable lesson for how we want them to live as adults.

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From making meals for frontline workers, to donating food and clothing to those struggling financially because of job losses, we have been given an incredible opportunity to teach our children the importance of making a difference in someone’s life by giving back what God has given us in abundance. 

Teaching our children to live a life of generosity is an invaluable lesson for how we want them to live as adults. Everyone can make an impact in their community, regardless of age and ability. When we teach our children to look for opportunities to serve others, we are teaching them how to live like Jesus.

It’s never too early or too late for your family to instill the value of generosity, and we hope these tips will help you guide your children in making great steps toward living generously.

1. Encourage different ways to give back

Not all giving involves money! Teaching children to give their time is a wonderful way to encourage generosity. Whether it’s making cards for neighbors or individuals in long-term care facilities or hospitals or painting a picture and leaving it on a grandparent’s front step or joining in a neighborhood or community clean-up day. If you’re looking for serve opportunities near you, check out family-friendly serve opportunities through our local community partners.

2. Be a role model

Talk to your kids about what steps you’re taking in your own life to live generously. Our children might not know we are tithing or giving when we’re writing a check or giving online. Talking to them about how we give and why increases their understanding and willingness to give.

3. Do it together

Have intentional conversations with your kids about what’s important to them and the things they care about and ways that they can live generously through their passions. This could mean looking for opportunities to serve foster families, at animal shelters, or care for the homeless. Take what they are interested in and make a commitment to do it together. Serving together not only impacts the community but can strengthen your bond as a family.

You can put love into action from anywhere by participating in kidVenture Island's Generosity Challenge! As a church, we are partnering with local and global partners to impact our world and make a difference. We believe that every age can make a difference in their neighborhood and around the world! As a family, you can brainstorm some ways to raise or earn money to contribute to the Generosity Challenge.

As parents, we have so many things we want to teach our children before we send them out into the world as adults. One of the most important lessons that will carry them into adulthood is how to live a life of generosity.

We can impact the future by living like Jesus by living generously and by putting love into action. Thank you for taking the opportunity to impact our world by raising children who think of others and give like Jesus.

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