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How Buddy Ministry Supports Kids

God made each of us wonderfully complex, and we want to recognize and support our unique design through Buddy Ministry.

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At LCBC, we believe God designed each person with unique qualities that make them amazing and wonderful. Check out what Psalm 139:13-14 says: 

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it. 

God made each of us wonderfully complex, and with great intention. In kid and Student Ministry at LCBC, we want to recognize and support our unique design through Buddy Ministry.  

What is Buddy Ministry? 

Buddy Ministry isn't only a special needs ministry. It is designed to meet the unique needs of all kids, students, and families at LCBC. With resources, strategies, and training for leaders and staff, Buddy Ministry allows children and their families to be seen and known. 

Buddy Ministry allows all kids and students to engage and participate with their peers in a way that helps them feel supported and safe. This means that whether your middle schooler stayed up too late playing video games the night before, your kindergartener is feeling sad about the loss of a pet, or your third-grader has just received an ADHD diagnosis and has trouble paying attention, we are ready and excited to encourage them in forming a relationship with Jesus! 

How does Buddy Ministry support my child? 

We train and equip our volunteer leaders (who have passed all the necessary background checks) to help kids feel included and invite them to be themselves. They will do this by: 

  • Getting to know your kid by learning about their favorite activities and interests. 
  • Partner with you, the caregiver, to learn about routines and strategies that are working well at home. 
  • Ensure your child gets the most out of their time with their peers by offering tools such as whiteboards, headphones, or fidget toys that will help them engage and focus. 

Leaders are also supported by Buddy Ministry Champions. These are specific individuals who provide continuous support and guidance in the best ways to engage and include all kids and students. 

How will I know if Buddy Ministry is helping my child? 

We want all parents to be in the loop about what their kids are experiencing when they come to kidVenture Island or one of our Student Ministry gatherings! We will keep you informed about the strategies and resources that are being used to support your child. 

We’ll come alongside you every step of the way to let you know how your child is doing and celebrate the ways they’re growing! We’ll also reach out to discover additional ways we can provide support.  

Through Buddy Ministry at LCBC, kids and students will build relationships with their peers and explore a relationship with God. Our desire is to develop trusting relationships with families and make sure they know that God has a place for them in his church.  

When kids, students, and their families are seen and known, we know we are on track with our mission of introducing people to Jesus and together fully following him! 


If your child or student could use some extra support as they engage with LCBC, send us a message. We would love to connect and help to make your family’s experience excellent!  


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online, and learn more about our offerings for kids and students. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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