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Read: Matthew 22:37-39

Doesn鈥檛 life feel like a maze sometimes? You can鈥檛 figure out where to turn, how you got where you are, or where to go next. However, amidst the complexities, Jesus offers us a beautifully straightforward way to navigate our decisions in Matthew 22:37-39.  

We tend to complicate life, thinking that we must have answers for every situation. Yet, Jesus reminds us to run our choices through a simple yet profound filter: LOVE. This filter applies to all aspects of life: relationships, school, and more. It's a guiding principle that simplifies our decisions. 

When your kid faces uncertainty, remind them to ask, "What would love have me do?" Would it lead them to love God, others, or themselves better? When they witness someone being teased, the filter of love encourages them to stand up for their peers. When deciding whether to invite someone over, love nudges them to extend kindness. And when they're unsure about helping with homework, love motivates them to lend a hand. Love is an excellent compass through the halls of school.  
