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John is the last of the four accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry we have in the New Testament – and it’s quite different from the other three Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). It highlights many stories and teachings not recorded elsewhere. It is generally believed to be written by John, one of Jesus’ followers (not to be confused with John the Baptist).

John doesn’t leave us guessing as to why he recorded the events in this life-changing book. Toward the end of it he clarifies that he wrote “so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of that name” (20:31). As you read through John, be asking yourself, “What does this reveal about Jesus?” Chapter 1 opens with an introduction about who Jesus really is. Take it all in, and be amazed! The scene then quickly shifts to the heightened expectation at that time that God’s Rescuer, that is, the Messiah, or Christ, was perhaps at hand. Watch closely how John the Baptist, Andrew, Simon, and Nathanael all make sense of this newcomer, Jesus from Nazareth. What strikes you about these encounters?
