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The Christian faith, not surprisingly, is all about Christ, and as John brings this letter to a close, he keeps Jesus front and center. Those who are truly children of God are those who believe that “Jesus is the Christ” (v. 1) that is, the Messiah, God’s promised Deliverer. To put it another way, they believe “Jesus is the Son of God” (v. 5), meaning that “He is the only true God, and he is eternal life” (v. 20). Everything about Jesus’ life and ministry revealed these great truths (see vv. 6-10 in this chapter, and John’s Gospel as a whole).

Is this where you have landed concerning Jesus? Then be encouraged! As John declares with confidence, “I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life” (v. 13). Of course, such faith, hope and the life which flows from it, does not mean we will find it easy going in this world. On the contrary, we need to pray for each other and help each other hang in there. But notice, as you read the last few paragraphs of the letter, that we are secure in Christ. Once more, be encouraged!
