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Bible Reading / Grateful to God

Day 1 - God is Faithful


Read Psalms 118

Have you ever gone through a season where you feel like life isn’t going how you planned? Or that no one is in your corner? Maybe that’s where you’re at today. Maybe you feel like no one sees your potential at work. Or maybe you have been trying to have a baby for what feels like forever and doctors can’t tell you why you’re not getting pregnant. Or perhaps you just feel lonely. When we feel like your life is off track, it can be hard to find things to be thankful for.

In this Psalm, David reminds us that no matter what is going on in our lives that God is good, he is faithful and his love endures forever. He is for us and we shouldn't fear the future (v.6). David knows through prayer God can answer any situation. God protected David’s kingdom from hostile nations, which he mentions in verse 10. (2 Samuel 8). That doesn’t mean he will fulfill our wishlist as we have it written, but he does promise to give an answer to our prayers (Matthew 7:7-8).

If you grew up in church, you may be familiar with the tune that verse 24 is laid to - This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. David isn’t saying every day will be great, but he is reminding us to wake up with a thankful heart that God loves us and he cares for us.

Prayer Time

  • Take a moment to write down 3 places where God has shown himself faithful and thank God for them.
  • Tell God how thankful you are you can rely on his love and his faithfulness.
  • Do you have a time in your life where something didn’t go as planned? Can you reflect on that now and see how God used it for good? Maybe you didn’t get into the college you wanted to, but would you have met your best friend otherwise? Maybe a colleague got promoted and you didn’t. Did that give you more time with your family in a season when you needed it?
  • Finally, talk to God about what you’re frustrated with right now. He already knows your heart. Thank him for listening and ask him to speak to you.