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Bible Reading / Key Beliefs

Day 4

2 Timothy 3

The Bible
Paul is also the writer of 1st and 2nd Timothy. He is writing to Timothy, a young pastor he is mentoring. In this chapter, Paul warns Timothy about the hard times that will occur before Jesus returns. Paul is in prison for his faith and watching the churches in his day being corrupted by false teachers. He then reminds Timothy that the best way to be prepared for false teaching and hard times is to know the Bible.
Paul thought he was living in the last days. After reading Paul’s description of the last days, you may think you are living in them now. We need to be prepared for people who will try to deceive us by knowing the truth God has given us in the Bible. We need to build our faith to be prepared for the hardship and opposition that could come our way. You have made that investment today by reading 2nd Timothy 3.
