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Bible Reading / What Was I Made For? Uncovering Your God-Given Purpose

Day 5: Stick With Jesus for True Fulfillment

Read: John 15:1-11 

In John 15:1-11, there's a fascinating story about a vine and branches that can teach us about finding our purpose in life. Imagine Jesus as a big, strong vine, and we are like the branches connected to him. Just like branches need the vine to grow and produce fruits, we need to stay close to Jesus to find our true purpose. If we try to do everything on our own, it's like trying to be a branch without the vine, and nature shows us that this doesn't work well. 

The passage also tells us that by staying connected to Jesus, we can find lasting happiness and fulfillment. When we abide in him, it's like getting all the good stuff we need to be happy and have a purpose in life. When we have a deep relationship with Jesus, we can experience real joy and purpose.  

Prayer: Jesus, I know that true meaning in life is found in you. Help me to stay close to you in all seasons of life so that I can grow strong in my faith. Thank you for creating me with a purpose and for sustaining me throughout my life. Amen. 
