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In life, there are detours...unexpected changes in direction. How we navigate them will impact the quality of our lives. And sometimes, we get to experience more on the detours than we ever would have expected.

The Meaning Behind the Detour

David Ashcraft · April 5, 2020

All of us have asked the question, "Why is this happening to me?" in the middle of a detour. But what if we changed our question to, "What will this change in me?

Trusting God In Uncertain Times

David Ashcraft · March 29, 2020

In the midst of a crisis, we can feel like everything that's going wrong around us is personal, pervasive, and permanent. But the truth is that God can be trusted—even when his ways don't make sense to us. Are you ready to choose to trust?

Quiet Your Heart

John Wilkinson · March 22, 2020

When we're in a detour, the world around us can feel loud. But God does some of his best work in the middle detours...if we're willing to listen.

The Good Shepherd

Jason Mitchell · March 15, 2020

In confusing detours, scary detours, or life-altering detours, it can be easy to wonder, "Where is God?" But the motivation of a good shepherd is always for the good of the sheep. And even in the midst of the unknown, we can look beside us and see that God is always close, and he is always good.

The Choices We Make

David Ashcraft · March 8, 2020

The choices we make today will show up in our experiences tomorrow. Are you aware of the story you're writing for yourself?

Pivotal Circumstances

David Ashcraft · March 1, 2020

Sometimes the detours we face are completely out of our control—pivotal circumstances that might cause us to question what God is doing. But the truth is that he isn't doing something to us...he's doing something in us.

How to Detour Well

Matt Parks · February 23, 2020

We can't control whether or not we face detours in life—but we can control how we face them. If we want to detour well, we have to seek out wisdom and cling to what matters most.

Character Through the Detours

Jason Mitchell · February 16, 2020

We see detours as an inconvenience—but what if they were really an invitation? When we start asking God WHAT he wants to do in us rather than WHY he's doing something to us, we'll start to see that character can be built through the unexpected changes of direction.