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We all want to win, to do something extraordinary with our life. But heroic moments rarely lead to big wins. What if the road to success is paved with doing the same small things again and again? Are you ready to do the work?

The Morality Ladder — Communion Weekend

David Ashcraft · March 25, 2018

There’s a myth out there that says you have to have it all together to be a follower of Jesus, but the truth is just the opposite: following Jesus isn’t about being perfect, it’s about being on the right side of the atonement plan. Jesus came to pay for our imperfections so we don’t have to—and close the gap between what we deserve and what we receive.

Baptism Weekend: Being Part of the Movement

David Ashcraft · March 18, 2018

We are all on a journey that’s influenced by the circumstances we’re in, the choices we make, and the people we know. But there’s one more factor that determines the direction of our lives. Join us as we celebrate the 171 people who have chosen to go “all in” as a follower of Jesus this weekend!

How to Guard Your Heart

Jason Mitchell · March 11, 2018

We’ve heard that 1,000 small steps in the right direction can lead us to a remarkable life, but the same is true of the opposite—if we’re not careful, our private choices can lead to public collapses. But what if there’s a way to avoid collapsing...if we’re willing to do the work?

Remarkable Friends

John Wilkinson · March 4, 2018

We all want to be remarkable people. But there’s one aspect of being remarkable that we often overlook: the people we surround ourselves with. The truth is, we can’t do remarkable alone—and in order to keep those around who make us the best we can be, we have to be willing to do the work.

Building A Remarkable Life

David Ashcraft · February 25, 2018

We all want to build a remarkable life, but there’s more to getting success than just wanting it. When we commit to doing the same small things over and over again, we can work towards the lasting impact that comes with it. Are you willing to do the work?

A Conversation with Scott Hamilton

David Ashcraft · February 18, 2018

For the start of our Do the Work series, we look back at an interview with former Olympic athlete Scott Hamilton. After living with a series of health issues, professional ice skater Scott Hamilton shares how overcoming personal obstacles in his life led him to know and trust Jesus.