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When we look at the story of our lives, it’s easy to get caught up in our failures. But God sees who he created us to be, not just who we think we are. What would your story look like if you could see it through God’s eyes?

Identity & Action

Jason Mitchell · April 14, 2019

Shame strikes at our identity and makes us question who we are. But God has already told us the truth—if we're in Christ, we are chosen, purchased, free, and forgiven. Are you willing to accept the grace you've been offered?

The Business of Rescue - Baptism Weekend

John Wilkinson · April 7, 2019

The story behind Baptism looks a lot like a story of rescue. Celebrate with us as we hear the stories of what God is doing in the lives and hearts of the people in our communities on Baptism Weekend at LCBC.

You Are God’s Inheritance

David Ashcraft · March 31, 2019

God can do amazing things through our lives when we decide to trust him. Join us in celebrating what he's already doing in the lives of over 11,000 of us who went through Financial Peace University!

Name Your Shame

Jason Mitchell · March 24, 2019

When we're stuck in our shame, we begin believing the story we tell about ourselves, even if it's not the truth. But Jesus has the antidote to shame—his grace. And when we share our shame, we learn to live un-stuck.

The Shame Cycle

Matt Parks · March 10, 2019

We've all experienced shame in our lives. But the reality is that God isn't the one keeping us in the shame cycle—we are. And when we fully realize that he isn't mad at us, we can accept that he's madly in love with us.