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Whatever your relationship status - whether you’re in one, had one, or want one – they’re complicated. But it’s always worth the work to do relationships well.

The Truth About Sex

Jason Mitchell · March 14, 2021

Sex in our everyday culture seems to be focused around one misconception: that it's purely physical. But when we dive deeper into the research and pair it with what God says about sex, we find a truth that could change how we look at sex now and in the future.

3 Pieces of Advice for Dating Relationships

Leslie McCarthy · March 7, 2021

Whether you’re old friends, met on a blind date, or found each other on an app, the truth is that dating is hard - and we all want to do it well. Start here with 3 questions to ask when getting involved in a dating relationship that will set you up for a successful relationship.

7 Secrets to a Satisfying Marriage

David Ashcraft · February 28, 2021

Our marriage is one of the most important relationships in our life - and it's also one of the most complex. But there is advice we can follow to be intentional with our spouse that will set us up for the best relationship possible. Are you ready to hear the 7 secrets to a satisfying marriage?

Singleness and Seeking Your Purpose

John Wilkinson · February 21, 2021

Society can view singleness as a step in-between where we were and where we're supposed to be. But our purpose doesn't come from a partner - it comes from God. When we choose to seek our purpose rather than our expectations, we can find focus in the season we're in and God's plan for us.

The Power of Love and Following Jesus

David Ashcraft · February 14, 2021

Life and relationships will always be complex - but there's a way we can keep them from being harder than they have to be. When we choose to seek God first, everyone wins.