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3 Ways to Find Clarity from God

Figuring out God's plan for you in can be difficult. Here are 3 Ways to help find clarity in those decisions big or small.

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As followers of Jesus, we need to take our troubles to him when we face hard times. But sometimes deciphering what he's really telling us to do can feel difficult. If we want to rely on God and follow his plan, we have to learn to find clarity in what he’s telling us. Below you’ll find 3 steps to find clarity from God.

Step 1: Start with Scripture

The first place to start when looking for clarity in our own situations is the Bible. When we start with Scripture, we can know that our foundation is in God’s Word. Then we can check our hearts and desires against God’s (Jeremiah 17:9).

If you’re looking to learn more about reading the Bible, join our Bible Discovery class, happening in-person and online soon! Or jump into a Bible Reading Plan and commit to reading God’s Word daily.

Step 2: Find and Build A Trusted Community

It’s easy to make unwise decisions in a vacuum. Surrounding yourself with people you trust who also trust in Jesus can help when trying to figure out what God is telling you. Like it says in Proverbs 11:14, wise counsel can bring safety and clarity to your life, and point you back to God.

An easy way to find your people is to join a Group! Find one that works for you using LCBC’s Group Finder.

Step 3: Listen to God’s Voice

When we look to God for answers, one of the best choices we can make is to be still and listen for his voice. That means slowing down, silencing our heart, removing our screens, and really listening for what he’s telling us. God rarely speaks in a booming voice—we have to quiet ourselves to hear him clearly.

If you’re wondering how to practically hear from God, check out this article on 3 Ways We Can Hear God’s Voice.

No matter what situation you’re facing, you can always depend on God’s faithfulness and love for you. 

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