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3 Ways We Can Hear God's Voice

God is waiting and wants to talk to you! Check out some of the ways to hear him.

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If you’re a follower of Jesus, you know the importance of being close to God and hearing from him. The busyness and volume of our everyday lives can make it feel harder and harder to listen for God and hear his voice cut through the noise. But when it comes to the relationships that matter the most to us, we have to put ourselves in the position to listen. Just like David talks about in Psalm 143, check out 3 ways we can position ourselves to hear God’s voice. 

1. God speaks in private spaces

When you’re investing in a relationship, one-on-one time is important to building a solid foundation. The same is true with our relationship with God. We can hear God’s voice when we spend intentional time with him on our own, reading the Bible and putting ourselves in proximity to God. If you’re looking for a simple way to start, find your place to spend time with God each day and commit to 10 minutes reading and talking to him. Start with a Bible Reading Plan!

2. God speaks in personal spaces

The people closest to you usually know you best, and they usually want what’s best for you. God can also speak through these relationships in your life—it’s why doing life with a Group is so important. When you connect with others who know you and begin to remind each other of who God is, we put ourselves in proximity to hear from God.

3. God speaks in public spaces

Showing up to gather and worship each week reminds us of who God is and who we are, and it gives us a chance to pause and praise God, no matter what our lives look like. God speaks when we show up in public spaces and join others in his presence. 

We all need to hear God’s voice in our lives—for guidance, for encouragement, and for a reminder of his unfailing love. To learn more about hearing God’s voice, check out the message Hearing God from our series When Your Back’s Against the Wall.

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