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4 Ways to Engage with the 7 Days of Prayer

Find 4 ways that you can use our 7 Days of Prayer to engage in intentional prayer for our church and our world.

Growing Faith
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As a church, one of our core values is to pray about everything - the big things, the small things, and everything in between. Our world is constantly changing, and these days more than ever there’s importance in coming together in prayer. The 7 Days of Prayer exists as a source of encouragement, a reminder that God is in control, and an opportunity to unite as a church family in guided prayer for 7 key themes over the course of a week.

This 7-day prayer guide can be used by anyone at any time - but below you’ll find 4 ways that you can use it in this season to engage in intentional prayer for our church and our world.

1. As Your Morning Devotional

Find your chair each day and replace your normal morning devotional or reading plan just for one week to engage in the 7 Days of Prayer in your personal time with God. Know that even as you’re praying individually each day, there are thousands of people praying for the same things throughout our church family, too.

2. With Your Group

There is real power in praying with the people you’re doing life alongside! Spread the 7 days out into your weekly Group meetings and end your Group by going through one of the themes together as you close in prayer - or have each Group member or couple choose a theme to focus their prayer on for the next week until you meet again.

3. Before Bed As A Family

If you’ve been meaning to incorporate more prayer into your routine as a family, this is the perfect opportunity! Be intentional about bedtime prayers, whether it’s just you and your spouse, with your young kids, or with older children by huddling up before bed to read the day’s theme and praying together for it.

4. In A Group Text with Coworkers

Whether you work in a faith-based organization or not, it may surprise you who would be willing to take part in prayer with you. Share the guide with your coworkers and ask if anyone would like to join you - then start a Group text and choose a time each day to commit to praying. Take time afterwards to send a text of encouragement or to share how you feel God is moving - it could be the perfect opportunity to invite them to check out LCBC, too!

However you use the 7 Days of Prayer, we hope you find encouragement through it. If you haven’t signed up to be a part of the 7 Days of Prayer yet, you can do so on the LCBC App!

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