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4 Ways to Serve Others this Holiday Season

If you only have an hour or two this season, here’s 4 Ways to Serve Others this Holiday Season that you can start doing right now!

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As the holidays roll around, there’s a lot to focus on—scheduling events, buying presents, hosting family—but with this time of year also comes an opportunity to give back and serve others, just like Jesus did (Mark 10:45). Trying to figure out who to serve and how to serve them can add to the holiday stress instead of bringing joy. If you only have an hour or two this season, we’ve listed some ways to easily fit giving back into your schedule this year. Below you’ll find 4 Ways to Serve Others this Holiday Season that you can start doing right now!

Show Up Locally

Take this time of year as extra motivation to start showing God’s love to others by getting involved in your community. Whether it’s creating Christmas cards with your kids to give to a local nursing home, taking time out of your Saturday to participate in a blood drive, or collecting and donating canned goods to a homeless shelter, choosing to show up locally will make you more familiar with the place you call home and the people who call it home with you.

Be A Good Neighbor

One of the simplest ways to serve others is to start with the people on either side of you. Choose to rake leaves or shovel snow, take a meal or even just a plate of cookies, or offer free babysitting services to your neighbors. We all know the holidays can bring stress—you never know when a simple gesture could make a bad day a good one for someone else.

Make A Commitment

When it comes to serving this year, be open to creating new opportunities for yourself that stretch beyond the season. Think about applying to be a mentor to a kid or student through a mentorship program, filling a high-capacity volunteer role at a local animal shelter, or directing at a community theater for the length of a show. It might start out as serving, but it could turn into one of the best parts of your week!

Fill An Open Need Right Now

Each year as a church, LCBC partners with nonprofits in our local communities to put together a vetted list of nonprofit partner organizations in the communities surrounding each of our locations. You can use these lists to find a spot and fill a need this season at a nonprofit that is working to better the communities all around us! Sign up for time slots and show up ready to make a real difference this season. We’re so excited to continue to show the love of Jesus in tangible ways through our community serving partners this year!

Every November LCBC takes part in Be Rich—an initiative to unleash generosity on our communities both locally and globally. Learn more about this initiative and how we give, serve, and love in the name of Jesus.

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