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5 Ways to Invite Your Neighbors to At the Movies

Check out 5 Ways to Invite your neighbors to At the Movies this year!

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At The Movies is one of our favorite times of the year around LCBC - we get to watch clips from popular films, explore interactive movie scenes in our Atriums, and invite people to join us in learning what movies can teach us about how to live the best life. 

If you’ve been looking for a way to invite a neighbor to church, At The Movies is the perfect time - who doesn’t love watching movies, and how often do you get to tell someone we’re watching them in church?  

We hear tons of stories each year of people who got reconnected to church or explored a relationship with Jesus for the first time through At The Movies - don’t pass up an opportunity to be a part of a life change story! 

1. Host an “At The Movies” Movie Night

Who doesn’t love a neighborhood movie night? Whether you use your living room television or put up a sheet on the side of a house, invite your neighbors to join you in watching At The Movies online each week. Add snacks and games, and it’s a party! 

2. Create Sidewalk Chalk Invitations

Grab the best artist in your family, some sidewalk chalk, and get drawing! Use fun art styles, fonts, and invite language (you could even try to mimic this year’s At The Movies design!) to invite your neighbors to At The Movies this year. The best part of these invites is that they’ll last - until it rains, at least, and then have fun doing it again! Make sure to include! 

3. Decorate Popcorn Balls

Popcorn and movies is a classic pairing - so take a unique spin on it and create your own popcorn balls to hand out to neighbors this year and give a personal invitation to At The Movies. You can even share the recipe with them and invite them to come over and make some with you before the movie begins! 

4. Invite Your Delivery Drivers

Here’s an easy way to say thank you and invite some of the most important people who frequent your neighborhood - your delivery drivers! Leave a box of candy and a bottle of water along with an invitation to At The Movies on your front porch, and try to say “hi” as they stop by to leave your packages, too. 

5. Grab Extra Invites or Social Shareables

On the weekend at your LCBC location, take a few seconds to download extra invites that you can hand out in the neighborhood. 

It’s also never been easier to invite a neighbor to At The Movies - and to make it even easier, we’ve created these social shareables for you to download and drop into an email or text message! 


As you’re thinking about inviting your neighbors to At The Movies, feel free to utilize the info available onilne at And while you’re planning, check out this article on 3 Ways to Make Your ATM Invite Intentional this year. 

We’ll see you (and your neighbors!) At The Movies! 

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