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De-stress and Refresh For Spring

It's a new season, and you may be doing some spring cleaning. Add "taking care of yourself" to the list!

Mental Health
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Spring is associated with new life, a reset, or a fresh start. You’ve heard of spring cleaning, and likely partake in it by decluttering and deep cleaning your home. What if you could also refresh your mind, body, and heart to thrive all season long? Here are some ways to spring clean your mind, body, and heart.

Refreshing your mind:

  • Remove what needs to be removed. Take inventory of what you’re letting into your mind. Stepping away from screens for one hour a day can greatly refresh your mental state.

Of course, decluttering your living space can greatly improve your mental state. Put on your favorite music before getting started! Tackle that messy filing cabinet or straighten the items on that shelf. Pull out your furniture and vacuum out all the dust bunnies from behind. Don’t pressure yourself to get it all done in one day—spring cleaning is a process.

  • Listen to calming music. Check out this playlist for when you’re starting to feel overwhelmed.
  • Break up your to-do list into attainable steps. Set yourself up for success when planning your day. If you need to clean a room, focus on cleaning one corner at a time. Schedule breaks as needed.
  • Take intentional rest. Try not to overfill your schedule. It’s easy to get wrapped up in wanting to speed up and get everything done when the weather changes, but it’s beneficial to not overfill your schedule. Be present in the moment, and set your mind on what today will bring.

Refreshing your body:

It goes without saying that a healthy diet and exercise have positive benefits, but taking the first step towards setting healthy habits can be challenging. Here are a few practical ways to begin refreshing your body:

  • Increase your water intake. Reminder: Iced coffee is not water, no matter how many ice cubes are in it! Bring a water bottle with you on-the-go, and take sips throughout the day.
  • Get your body moving! Walk the dog, throw a ball around with your kids, or take a lap around the office and say hi to your coworkers. When the weather isn’t cooperating, get your groove on with some YouTube dance workouts! The more you move, the better you’ll sleep, which impacts overall health. Speaking of sleep…
  • Improve your sleep quality by turning off screens at least a half hour before bed, and wind down by reading or journaling. This habit may take a while to reap the benefits, but your body will thank you!

Refreshing your heart:

  • Surrounding yourself with good company can help you shake a heavy heart. Call a friend or family member and check in with them, and maybe ask them to grab coffee before work. Intentional time together will do wonders for your mood!
  • Prayer is powerful. Thank God for all he has done, and continues to do in your life. Ask God for a refreshed mind, body, and heart.
  • Journaling is a great way to externalize your feelings and process what you’re going through. It’s also a great mindfulness tool to exercise gratitude. Here are some prompts to get you started:

- What am I thankful for today?

- What made me smile today?

- What did I overcome today?

- What is something that worries me, or I'm unsure about?

For more on journaling, check out 3 Ways Journaling Can Bring You Back To God

Take time to be kind to yourself, and celebrate the progress you have made. Implementing some of these tips are great stepping stones to move forward and step into a better you. Rest in knowing you are doing your best, and you are enough.

LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ, and we are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Join us for Easter At LCBC, happening April 16-18 in-person and online! Visit to learn more.

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