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Bible Reading / One Week to a Healthier Marriage

Day 1 | The Foundation of a Great Marriage

Read: Genesis 2:24

Nobody enters into a marriage thinking, “I’m alright if this experience is mediocre at best.” Everyone wants a great marriage, but it doesn’t just fall into our laps. Marriage requires a lot of effort, but it promises a big reward. 

Genesis 2:24 explains the power of marriage the way God created it. It isn’t just a legal arrangement or a flimsy promise, it’s a force that binds two people together and makes them one.  

What does it look like to become one in a marriage? It means operating as a unit or a team. Your choices impact your spouse and vice-versa. Allow this truth to strengthen your marriage by shaping the way you navigate life together. Look out for each other’s best interests and prioritize your spouse.  
