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In a world that’s divided, it’s easier to pick a side than to fight for unity. But we have a higher calling. Are you ready to stand on uncommon ground?

Be a Lifeboat

David Ashcraft · November 22, 2020

Lost people matter to God and what matters to God ought to matter to us. What does it mean to be a church that focuses on others rather than ourselves?

Pause and Refresh

David Ashcraft · November 15, 2020

Jesus gives the gift that brings life back into balance- a refresh button. Taking time to pause and worship in the presence of God is exactly what we need in this season.

Extravagant Love

Jason Mitchell · November 8, 2020

Jesus calls us to lower ourselves to lift others up. Just as Jesus has shown us extravagant love- we can show this kind of extravagant love to others.

Fear is the Enemy of Unity

Matt Parks · November 1, 2020

When we follow Jesus our spirit fundamentally changes and we are given a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. It’s hard for our fears to have roots when Jesus is rooted in us. What does it look like to show Jesus’s love and lay down our lives for the sake of others?

Love Each Other

David Ashcraft · October 25, 2020

What does it look like to love one other the way that Jesus loves us? Jesus's love requires us to do the uncommon and become bridge builders, share each others burdens, sympathize with one another, and forgive and extend grace.

Work for Unity

Jason Mitchell · October 18, 2020

If we keep God's truth at the core of our identity, unity and honor will follow. As followers of Jesus, everything we do represents him. Let's choose to listen, learn, and love one another.

Changing the Script

David Ashcraft · October 11, 2020

Today’s culture reinforces us to show love to only those in our in-group. But as followers of Jesus, we’re never called to do the common thing. The Bible teaches us that we are to treat everyone with honor. It’s time to change the script.