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10 Unique Ways to Celebrate Father's Day

If you’re looking for a new or unique way to celebrate dad this year, check out this list of 10 ways to celebrate Father’s Day!

Personal Growth
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The Day of Dads is nearly here! Father’s Day is almost here, and it’s the perfect time to celebrate the men in your life who have helped to make you who you are. If you’re looking for a new or unique way to celebrate Dad this year, check out this list of 10 ways to celebrate Father’s Day!

  1. Take a Hike If your dad loves the outdoors, go on a hike together as a family.
  2. Work on a Project - Isn’t there always something your dad is trying to get done around the house? Lend a hand and work on it together.
  3. Bake a Treat - Cupcakes, brownies, chocolate chip cookies—if your dad’s got a sweet tooth, pick his favorite!
  4. Laugh Together - Throw on a Netflix Stand-Up special, a comedy you’ll all enjoy, or even some entertaining YouTube compilation videos and start giggling.
  5. Build a Campfire - Grab s’mores ingredients, or hamburgers and hotdogs, and spend some time around the fire talking and roasting together.
  6. Have a Game Night - Spend an evening as a family playing games together...maybe even let dad win a few!
  7. Host a Movie Night - If your dad loves movies, plan a night of watching them together, whether you get really creative or keep it simple, it’ll be unforgettable.
  8. Serve Dinner - This one is traditional, but for all the times your dad has served you over the years, take some time to make him a meal and eat together.
  9. Get Sporty - Is your dad athletic? Get outside and play some sports together as a family—flag football, soccer, even kickball!
  10. Write a letter - If you’re good with words, use this Father’s Day to write your dad a meaningful letter telling him how much he means to you. Just be prepared, this one can result in some tears!

However you celebrate Father’s Day, be sure to make your dad feel loved this year!

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