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Read: John 12:12-19

As he enters Jerusalem, Jesus is met by a cheering crowd that wants to crown him king. Palm Sunday is the beginning of Jesus’ final week on earth, and though he was worthy of all the praise given to him by the crowd, his purposes were far greater than anything they had in mind. Jesus came to rescue mankind from sin and death, but at this moment he is faced with a choice: continue on the path God had set out before the foundation of the world, or follow the draw of the crowd. Jesus was laser-focused on his mission and continued to the cross.

Every day we face similar pressure. The appeal to make a name for ourselves or to please people isn’t new to our generation, we just have more opportunities. Thanks to social media and a growing pressure to perform 24/7, we are surrounded by a crowd of voices that seek to distract from our God-given destination. Jesus’ response modeled an important truth that we must remember: you can’t please everyone, but you can please One. What can you do this week to tune out the distractions and focus on what God is calling you to do?
