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Bible Reading / Key Events

Day 73



The first part of this chapter records a conversation that, culturally speaking, should never have happened. A faithful Jew would never engage a Samaritan, and certainly not a Samaritan woman, in conversation. What’s even more shocking is she is one with a sordid past. But this is what is amazing about Jesus! He challenges our assumptions and offers grace to those we think least deserve it. The result is that this woman and many others in her village become lives changed by Christ. The end of the chapter tells the story of a boy’s healing which is an amazing demonstration of the power to heal from a distance.

We often hear the phrase, “power corrupts.” It is often true that those with the most power and influence use their power to do evil. In Jesus’ case, his power was used to heal and forgive. How can we be using what we know of Jesus to have life-giving conversations with others - even those who are from backgrounds we feel are beneath us or whose behavior we find offensive? We can use what we know to pass judgement on others or use it to extend God’s grace.
