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How to Change Your Life With 5 Key Questions

If you’re wondering how to change your life, it starts with these 5 questions.

Personal Growth
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We all feel stuck in life from time to time, but it can be hard to know how to get going again. It isn’t always easy at first glance to figure out what we need to change in our lives to get to where we want to be. But when we know the right questions to ask and the right things to look at, the issue of figuring out how to change your life gets a little easier to tackle. 

But what are the right questions to ask, and how might they hold the key to finally moving forward in life? 

How to change your life with 5 key questions 

Did you know that God has a purpose for your life? Psalm 139:16 tells us that before we were even born, God knew what every day of your life would look like – he saw your potential and planned to do great things with it! 

But that doesn’t mean we don’t get sidetracked from time to time. There are all kinds of influences in our lives that distract us from living out God’s designed purpose for our lives – and when you’re figuring out how to change your life, these are the first places you should take a closer look at. 

Here are 5 questions to help you kick-start lasting change and become the person God created you to be: 

1. How am I doing with my faith? 

Faith is the foundation of everything else in life. Start by assessing how things are going with your faith: 

  • Are you prioritizing time with Jesus in your daily routine, or have other things taken over? 
  • Is what you're doing aligned with what you say you believe? Are you truly living out your faith? 
  • Are you taking steps to grow spiritually, like reading the Bible, praying, or engaging in community with other believers? 
  • Are there areas where you’re holding back from trusting God fully? 

2. How am I doing with my family? 

Our closest relationships often reflect the health of our priorities. Are there any blind spots in your family that might be keeping you from growth? 

  • If you asked your spouse or kids how you're doing, what would they say? Would they feel valued, seen, and loved? 
  • Are you giving your family your best energy, or do they get the leftovers after work, hobbies, or other commitments? 
  • Are there intentional rhythms of connection (like meals together, one-on-one time, or family traditions) that you've been neglecting? 

3. How am I doing with my friends? 

Just like family, our friends have a weighty influence on the direction of our lives. While we can’t choose our family, we can choose our friends – and choose how we’re investing in those relationships. 

  • When was the last time you truly connected with a friend – not just through a quick text but in a meaningful conversation
  • Who are your five closest friends? Will you be a better person 5 years from now because of them? 
  • Have you invested in these relationships, or have you let them drift? 
  • Are there people you need to reconnect with or new relationships you need to pursue? 

4. How am I doing with my fitness? 

Getting more fit might not solve all of your problems, but don’t underestimate the influence a healthier routine can have on the rest of your life. Here’s how you can take stock of your fitness: 

  • Are you trending in the right direction with your health, or are there habits you need to change? 
  • Are you paying attention to what you body is telling you? How are your stress levels, energy, or sleep quality? 
  • Is your fitness routine realistic and sustainable, or have you been all-or-nothing? 
  • How’s your mental health? Are you making space to process emotions, seek help when needed, and rest well? 

5. How am I doing with my finances? 

Money is often a source of stress, but it can also be a tool for freedom and generosity. Here’s how to take stock of your relationship with money: 

  • Is your current financial situation a reflection of short-term decisions, or are you working toward long-term stability? 
  • Are you trusting God with your finances, or are you relying more on your own control? 
  • Are there areas where you can be more disciplined, like paying down debt or cutting unnecessary expenses? 

It’s okay to reroute! 

The truth is, we all need a course correction from time to time. Asking these five key questions can help you evaluate how to change your life by identifying key places where change might be needed.  

Remember, perfection is not the goal – it's growth. By being honest with yourself and seeking God’s wisdom in these key areas, you can take steps toward the life God has in store for you! 


Now that you’ve identified what needs to change, it’s time to put that into actionable steps. Here are 5 key areas to set goals that will help you work toward lasting change! 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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